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    Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 06.01.2025, 07:54

    1. Which sea areas are covered by the lnmarsat satellites?
    1.    AOR. lOR and POR
    2.    AOR. GOR. IOR and POR
    3.    AOR-E, AOR-W, IOR and POR
    2. What frequencies are used in Inmarsat?
    1.   406MHz
    2.   Rx/Tx 156,8 MHz
    3.   Rx l,5GHz Tx 1,6GHz
    3. What is 2-digit code of Medical Assistance in Inmarsat?
    1.   32
    2.   38
    3.   42
    4. Describe the routings of signal for EPIRB COSPAS-SARSAT
    1.   EPIRB Satellite LUT MCC RCC SAR Service
    2.   EPJRB Satellite LUT MCC SAR Service
    3.   EPIRB Satellite RCC LUT MCC SAR Service
    5. How many satellites are in use in the COSPAS-SARSAT system?
    1.    7 satellites
    2.    6 satellites
    3.    4 — 2 reserve satellites
    6. What is the international NAVTEX transmission frequency?
    1.    512kHz
    2.    518kHz
    3.    490kHz
    7. In what ITU reference book can you find the radiocommunication taxes?
    1.    List of ship stations
    2.    List of coast stations
    U Admiralty list of radio signals Volume V
    8. What frequency used by EPIRB COSPAS-SARSAT provides the global
    1.    406MHz
    2.    121,5 MHz and 406 MHz
    3.    121,5MHz
    9. When will you transmit DSC distress alert relay?
    1.    When Master supposed that he needs additional assistance
    2.    When sgip in distress can not send alert himself and when Master supposed that he needs additional assistance
    3.    When ship in distress can not send alert himself
    10. Which channel is for DSC on the VHF band?
    1.    Can be used all VHF channels
    2.    Ch13 
    3.    Ch70
    11. How many network coordination stations is there in the Inmarsat system?
    1.    2NCS
    2.    4 NCS
    3.    3 NCS
    12. What type of EGC Net has the highest priority in Inmarsat?
    1.    System message
    2.    SafetyNET
    3.    FIeetNET
    13. How can you receive meteorological warning in the middle of Atlantic ocean?
    1.    NBDP
    2.    EGC
    3.    EGC and NBDP
    14. Is telephony communication possible when using Inmarsat-C standard?
    1.    Yes
    2.    No
    3.    Yes, but only with special additional equipment
    15. What kind of equipment can be used for automatical reception of MSI?
    1.    2182 kHz receiver, EGC receiver, NBDP HF receiver
    2.    NAVTEX receiver, EGC receiver, VHF receiver (Ch 16)
    3.    EGC receiver, NAVTEX receiver, NBDP HF receiver
    16. What kind of information does the EPIRB DSC VHF transmit?
    1.    MMSI, ship’s position, nature of distress, EPIRB emission
    2.    MMSI, ship’s position
    17. Give the definition of Sea Area A3
    1.    Area covered by Inmarsat satellites except Area Al and A2
    2.    Area covered by Inmarsat system
    3.    Area covered by VHF, MF/HF Coast Radio Station with DSC equipm
    18. How many SART must carry a vessel of 500 GT?
    1.    Minimum 2
    2.    Depends from the length of the vessel
    3.    I in each lifeboat and I on the navigational bridge, but not less than 4
    19. What telex inole is used in NAVTEX system?
    1.    FEC selective
    2.    ARQ
    3.    FEC co lective
    20. What frequencis are used by EPIRBs
    1.    40MI-1z
    2.    15,525 MH
    3.    Ch 70 VHF and 406 MHz
    21. Which channels are the international Distress and Calling channel on VHF band?
    1.    VHFCh16
    2.    VHF Ch 70 and Cli 13
    3.    VHF Ch 16 and Ch 70
    22. Does the lnmai sat system offer global coverage?
    1.    Yes
    2.    From 70N 10 70S
    3.    Only h areas covered by CES
    23. How do yu switch off Inmarsat-C SES?
    1.    Select LES and Logout
    2.    Logoul
    3.    Logou t and switch off SES
    24. Give the meaning ofhe abbreviation MSI
    1.    Mbi1e ServLce Identification
    2.    Maritime Safety Information
    3.    Mritirne SOLAS Information
    25. You received citress alert on DSC MF. On what frequency are supposed to listen for the com lete distress message?
    1.    2177Ll-Iz
    2.    2182kHz
    Li 2187,5kHz
    26. What the difference between Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat-C antenna?
    1.    Ininarsat-B — undirected antenna, Inmarsat-C — directed antemma
    2.    There is no principal difference between Inmarsat-B and Inmarsat-C
    3.    Ia marsat-B — directed antenna, Inmarsat-C — omnidirected antenna
    27. What kind of the infGrmatiGn do you need to point the lnmarsat-B antenna to the satel lite
    1.    A2imut, Elevation and gyro-auto
    2.    Aimtit, Ele’iation
    3.    Azimtit and gyro
    28. What is the accurency distance of SART detection from the vessel?
    1.    rriile
    2.    l2rriiles
    3.    5 niiles
    29. You receive a DSC Distress alert on VHF. Where are you supported to listen for the complete Distress message and where should you acknowledge?
    1.    2182kHz
    2.    Ch70
    3.    Ch 16
    30. Give the definition of Sea Area Al
    1.    Area covered by MF Coast Radio Station with DSC equipment
    2.    Area covered by VHF Coast Radio Station with DSC equipment
    Li Area covered by any VHF Coast Radio Station
    31. Can DSC be used in all sea areas in the GMDSS?
    1.    Only in case of distress situation
    2.    Yes
    3.    No
    32. What is the Urgency signal in radio telephony?
    1.    Mayday
    2.    PAN PAN
    3.    Securite
    33. What kind of equipment can be used for alerting when your ship station has bracken iown?
    1.    EP1IB and portable VHF stations
    2.    EPIRB and SART
    3.    EPIRB
    34. Which frequency iused for ship-to-shore DSC routine call on MF band?
    1.    2182 kHz
    2.    2189,5kHz
    3.    2177 kHz
    35. How many Inmarsat system satellites are in orbit?
    1.     4
    2.    4+4
    3.    4+2
    36. Which channel is used for DSC distress alerting on the VHF band?
    1.    VHF Channel 70
    2.    VHF Channel 13
    3.    VHF Channel 16



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